Tuesday 6 October 2015


                                                                                                                                                                      Shirdi Sai Baba is omnipotent & omnipresent and He is pervading in every creature in the universe .When Baba was about to leave His mortal body in Shirdi, He called up few of his ardent devotees of other states and advised them not to come Shirdi rather you can engage yourselves to spread my messages to your own home land and I will be ever present there.

There is an illusion for many of us that God is present in a particular place
 (for example sacred place of pilgrimage) and we get into frenzy to visit that place.
Baba said; “I am residing in your heart and every moment, I am observing   every activity of yours. You don’t know that I cry for your miseries more than yourself and I feel happy, when seeking my refuge, you enjoy life”. Lord Shree Krishna also told Arjuna in Bhagawat Gita; “Surrender unto me and I will take care of your all sorrows and happiness in this illusory world”.

Shibpur Sai baba Temple history:
Long ago, in 1850, Ramdas Biswas a wealthy villager of Shibpur village of Nadia’s Nakashipara established a temple in the compound of his house to offer daily puja in it. He never took any help from anybody but built the temple at his own cost. Past facts did not establish whether Ramdas installed any idol of Shirdi Sai Baba as Baba was present then. But so far the information are available, the daily prayer was stopped in the temple of 1920.
The reason behind it is hitherto unknown. The prayer stopped and the temple slowly became infested with venomous snakes, dense bushes and cobwebs surrounding it. Let alone offering prayers, but the local residents dared not to go anywhere near the temple; due to the fear of getting bitten by snakes and losing their lives. However, as light follows darkness, rainbow follows rain; villagers of Shibpur in 1992 saw a neem tree sprouting out of the dense bush adjoining the crumbling temple structure.

What surprised the villagers even more, was that the deadly snakes also started fleeing after the neem tree appeared. With the snakes gone, the villagers then started cleaning up parts of the bushes and soon a lush green field emerged there. Now, the local children began playing there. An entrance to the temple was also found thereafter. The villagers took all these things lightly till 199. That year, on the night of Guru Purnima, Sai Baba, who left His mortal body in the year 1918, appeared in the dream of Amit Biswas, the great grandson of Ramdas. In that dream; Baba told Amit that many years ago, Ramdas used to offer prayer to Him in the temple where the neem tree has suddenly sprouted up. “Your great grandfather used to offer daily puja to me 100 years ago. He was my devotee and sitting in this temple, he used to pray to me for hours together. But after him, all devotional practices slowly stopped. So I have planted this neem tree here to eradicate all evils. It is My wish now, that worship be resumed in this temple. Make this temple a heaven for devotees. Whoever visits this temple will get all their desires fulfilled.
On getting Baba’s Divine instruction, next morning, Amit woke up and rushed to the temple. He cleaned up the area and got rid of all the bushes and cobwebs that grew there. He installed a clay idol of Sai Baba and began offering puja. Thereafter, he spread the message that he received from Baba in the dream to all the local villagers. The villagers got inspired. Leaving their fears and apprehensions aside, they started coming to the temple and began to worship and offer puja.

Miraculously, within days, Sai Baba’s promises began coming true. After offering puja in the temple, although dilapidated, a woman gave birth to her first baby after 12 years of her marriage. The doctor had predicted that she could not give birth medically.
She was not alone, some villagers, who were suffering from chronic and incurable diseases, got cured after offering prayers to Saibaba in this temple. The stunned villagers stood up as one and took a resolution that they would protect the temple at any cost.

In 2003, advised by the local villagers, Amit formed a trustee committee to rebuild the temple. Thus, the Nadia-Shibpur-Sai-Sadguru Samity was formed. The committee took a resolution, that a new temple structure would be made and the trustee board would work for the uplifting the poor people of  the area. They also took an oath that the organization would work for all social causes like campaigning against dowry, drug addiction of students.
The committee then began working according to their resolution and campaigned extensively against dowry, child marriage, drug addiction etc. Here, it would be worthwhile to mention that the they met with great  success. Their achievements began spreading like wild fire in the neighbouring villages and cities.

A national award winner and a famous sculptor Subir Paul could not sit idle after hearing the activities of the Sai Sadguru Samity. Inspired, the sculptor constructed a life size fiber-glass idol of Baba. Paul himself admitted that while making the idol for six months some miraculous spirit guided him. Subir said, “I have never ever made such a perfect statue like Sai Baba’s idol”. Getting such a beautiful idol of Baba quite miraculously was such an amazingly auspicious omen. The Committee now felt a renewed enthusiasm towards their cause. Although financially not very well equipped, the villagers began constructing the temple. They got bamboos and erected a structure in the temple areas keeping the old structure intact. They welcomed Baba’s idol by getting Him seated on a golden chariot,  and installing Him under the thatched temple which was constructed by then.

Currently, the devotees offer their daily pujas, arti and bhajan, two times daily. Trustee Committee has recently begun collecting subscription from the people of all walks of lives to build a lovely permanent concrete structure.
The committee also began celebrating an annual Sai festival for five days in the third week of April every year. Once the permanent structure will be in place, crores of people would visit the temple and their woes will vanish.

At present, we request and welcome help from any devotee  who wishes to be an instrument to fulfil Baba’s promise to cure the woes of the people.


Amit Biswas narrates Shri Sai Baba’s dream which saw in 1999 during Guru Purnima thus: "I saw in my dream a bright illumination of lights, as if thousands and thousands of neon lamps were lit. Then I heard a voice saying – “I am Sai Baba. Your great grandfather Ramdas Biswas worshiped me in this temple every day for hours together. I was very happy with him. After his demise there is no puja. The place has become a jungle. I am longing for devotion and puja here once again." Sai Baba continued,

SaiBaba’s Assurance to Amit Biswas for Constructing a temple at Shibpur:

  1. I order you to construct my temple and offer me puja every day.

  2. I shall call here only those whom I consider to be true Devotees of mine, rather than those who look upon me as God.

  3. Undoubtedly I shall carry all the burdens of those who come here to surrender the same to me.

  4. This Neem tree planted by Me shall provide immense peace and bliss to even the most distressed and dejected person who come here.

  5. Whoever stands near this Neem tree will feel my presence and the tree will remove all his sins.

  6. None other than my real devotees will be able to donate for the construction of this temple.

  7. Whoever responds to my call by visiting this Temple shall have all his wishes fulfilled.

  8. Anybody who offers worship to me here on his birthday will get rid of all planetary obstacles.

  9. For the construction of this temple, I will be present to perform my work. The temple construction work should not stop. The required financial help will be provided to you even from abroad.

  10. I am still bound to fulfill my words, given to Ramdas, as a boon granted a century ago.

  11. After 11 years from this day, I shall arrive here from far away to take shelter at the altar of the Temple constructed by you.

  12. I shall appear before you all in the form of a snake at the eastern side of the newly constructed temple.

  13. When a great number miracles take place repeatedly it will be time to perform pran pratishtha and abhishekam and open the gates of my Temple for my devotees.

  14. Whoever will preach the essence of my preaching’s, shall be drowned in the Ocean of my blessings.

  15. I shall save the life of that devotee in danger, who donates even a fistful of sand to me at Shibpur.

  16. My blessings will remain with you always, if you keep firm faith in my words.


Born and brought up in Krishnanagar, a district town of West Benagl, Amit witnessed a lot of reality while growing up. And this reality makes he was curious to record those happening. At first he was a mere witness to the great occurrence. However, very soon, he came out to be a lens-man whose aim was to capture the grin vision of our life. He took out his camera to capture the child labour abuse in the different parts of his State, the angst of the women working in the unorganized sector, the all devouring fate of the flood victims of 2000 in West Bengal. Later he worked as a freelance photographer and associated with The Telegraph , India Today, Ananda Bazar Patrika, Bartaman Patrika, Hindusthan Times, The Times of India and other eminent media houses.  

Social activities:
But life is like a river turning and twisting at different stages, so Amit has chosen along with his profession to serve the destitute and the helpless.
He is a diehard Campaigner against superstitions  and Social evils. He played pivotal role for building awareness against Ganja & Posta (Poppy) cultivation in rural Bengal, especially in Nadia district. He is untiringly working on leprosy, snakebites, Polio and antidrug movement in both rural and urban sector. To organized the reforming work more firmly he set up NADIA SHIPUR SAI SADGURU SAMITY established in 2003, He firmly believes that a life without serving other is unworthy to live.
*  Worked on Leprosay, Snakebites, Polio, Antidrug  Movement.
*Anti drug movement & against superstation

Dr Biswas accoladed several national International award.

 ***Award (National)
•       Rajib Gandhi Excellence award, Mother Teresa Shiromoni Award, Nelson Mandela Peace award, Indira Gandhi Excellence Award, Indian Achiever  Award, Best Photo Journalist of India Award, Best Leadership Award in still photography, Indira Gandhi Sadbhavana Award and Golden Citizen of India Award & Gold Medal.

***Award (International)

•       International Gold Star Photography Award and International Best Surgeon of the Millennium Award  & Gold Medal.

Baba's presence and miracles in Shibpur:

1. Sometime in Sept 2009 a PWD Engineer’s wife called up the President of this temple Amit Biswas. She told him that she has a happy married life but this life seems to be vacant without a child. They are married for 10 years now without an issue. The couple had visited many doctors and have taken all the medical help required but of no use. One day while coming in a vehicle she has seen Sai Baba’s picture in a shop. She asked Amit whether she can have a darshan of Sai Baba and offer puja to HIM. Amit invited him to the temple to offer Puja to Sai Baba. When she had the darshan of Baba she cried bitterly before Baba and prayed for a child. Baba blessed him with a beautiful child 10 years after their marriage.

2. Guddu Gurung and Saina Guru are from Nepal. They are working in this village as watchman. They were childless. One by one four children died before their birth. Doctor’s said that Saina had some internal problem in ovary and she was not able to bear child. They consulted many doctors, finally went to Vellore for treatment. But still no cure. Finally they got a beautiful daughter after offering Puja to Sai Baba in Sibpur temple.

3. One day the daughter of the priest of the temple saw that her lower portion of the face has been blackened. There were black spots on this part of the face. The priest was worried. He did not consult any doctor. Rather with full faith and devotion he smeared Baba’s Udi on her daughter’s face and prayed to Baba to remove these black spots from her daughter’s face. Miraculously after 7 days these black spots vanished on its own and the girl looked normal like before.

4. A child was born to a couple after 14 years of their marriage after offering Puja to Sai Baba at Sibpur temple.

5. One day a devotee came for Baba’s darshan. He had severe stomach pain for quite a few days. The pain was so much that it was impossible for him to sit in this temple. With great devotion he prayed to Baba and took His UDI mixed in water. Within minuted the stomach pain vanished and he never felt that pain any more.

6. There was one Sai devotee who lives in a nearby village called Gopinathpur. He had paralysis. He could not move his limbs. He consulted many doctors, took physiotherapy courses but of no use. With great difficulty and full devotion, this devotee paid darshan to Sai Baba at Sibpur temple. On his return slowly his paralysis was gone and now he can run and walk like normal humans.

7. A devotee named Sunil Das had a 16 days old son. Suddenly this child stopped taking any type of food and was continuously crying. This went on for 3 days with no food and continuous crying and shivering. Doctor’s medicine failed to cure this child. Finally they brought this child to Sai Baba, laid him near Baba’s seat and the priest touched the child’s head taking Baba’s name and applied Udi on his forehead. He child immediately stopped crying and was rather smiling. He drank the entire bottle of milk in from of everyone present there and started behaving normally.

8. An old devotee of Sai Baba named Tarit Pal had a daughter who had her face paralysed. Tarit took her daughter to many doctors but none could cure her. Finally Tarit started bringing his daughter to Sai Baba’s temple every day and applied Baba’s Udi on that portion of her face which was paralysed. Slowly her paralysis was gone and recovered completely by the grace of Baba when all medical sciences failed.

9. There are many instance in this village where girls get married after offering Puja to Sai Baba at Sibpur temple.

10. Balai Ghosh of Krishnanagar was in deep poverty. He did not have the money to meet the basic means. He tried to get a job but could not succeed. He was totally frustrated and decided to end his life. Suddenly he got an inner message that if he donates Rs. 500/- to Sai Baba temple in Sibpur his bad days will come to an end. This poor fellow now has nothing left with him save his bicycle. He decided to sell of this bicycle for Rs. 500 and donate this amount to Baba as dakshina. He sold the bicycle for Rs. 500/-, went to Sai Baba temple a Sibpur and kept Rs. 500/- at Sai Baba’s feet and returned home. After exactly seven days a distant relative of Balai came to meet him. Balai has never seen this relative. He offered Balai to join him in his business as partner. Balai need not to invest any capital for this. This relative of Balai had business of manufacturing and repairing batteries. Business grew well. After one year Balai decided to find out how much money he could profit from this business. His banker told him that he has made a profit of Rs. 5 lakhs in one year. This is the chamatkar of Baba. Baba has turned this beggar to a rich man today. Balai offered Rs. 500/- to Baba and Baba returned him 1000 times that money to him. Om Sai Ram

11. At least 3 to 4 devotees told me that they have seen at midnight between 2 Am – 2:30 AM that a round ball shaped object, brightly illuminated swayed between the top of the Neem tree to the top of the temple. This ball swayed 2 to 3 times and then suddenly vanished.

12. once during evening Aarati was going on in the temple. The President of the Shibpur Sai Baba temple Amit Biswas looked out side the temple and saw Sai Baba waring his dhoti, kurta and Kafni madly dancing to the tune of Kirtan. Sai Baba was dancing till the Kirtan was going on and then suddenly vanished. This incident was told to me By Amit Biswas himself.

13. A lady suddenly discovered that her husband was having illicit relationship with a neighbourhood girl. She never expected this thing to happen after 15 years of their marriage. The husband was not interested to stay with her any more and used to quarrel. The lady was morose and cried. She went to Sai Baba and prayed to him to return her husband back to her. If her husband comes back to her snapping all relationship with the girl then the lady promised to offer Payasam to Baba. After one month she got her husband back. He has snapped all relationship with the neighbourhood girl.

14. The temple is getting built with the donation of Sai devotees. One great Sai Baba devotee Shri K V Ramani donated huge sum during he start of the temple. One day it so happened that the ceiling work has to be done next day and Rs. 5000/- was required to be paid to the masons. If the masons do not get the money they will not work. That night not a single penny was there with the temple authorities. They were worried how to resume the temple work the next day. From where to arrange Rs.5000/-. They kept faith in Baba and went to sleep. Next day morning a person came with his family to have darshan of Baba at the Shibpur temple. He has come from Dubai and heard about this Sai Baba temple from a friend in Kolkata. He paid darshan to Baba and did Puja. Then he signed a cheque of Rs. 5001/- and gave to the temple authorities as dakhina to Baba. When Baba is there why take tensions on your head! Such is the leela of Baba.

15. Cows in the village suffering from Anthrax gets cured after drinking water mixed with Baba’s udi. A cow gave birth to a calf after 6 years when udi was smeared on his head and udi mixed in water was offered to the cow.

16. In the year 1999 in the night of GURU PURNIMA blessing and order of Sai Baba was communicated to Sri Amit Kumar Biswas through a dream .Specifically intimated in the very dream about three miraculous happenings which will occur after 11 years and as soon as the happenings of miraculous activities took place the PRAN PRATISTHA & ABHISHEKAM shall be done instantly .

Significance of BADE (Sai) BABA and SHIBPUR BABA at Shibpur Temple:

The Temple of Shirdi Sai baba at Shibpur basically has two statues or Idols of Baba. One is called the Shibpur Sai Baba, which is made of the Fiber Glass material by Mr. Subir Paul – a national award winner for making fiber Glass statues and who is also a close friend of Amitji. Another statue of equal importance is the Bade (sai) baba Statue, which was donated by a Sai Devotee K. V. Ramani. This is a marble statue. Shibpur temple is the only temple in the world which has two Sai Baba idols in the same temple. One is facing the other and so it is said that it will look out to the welfare of the people in all the directions.
Let me tell you the significance of both the Baba idols there. As we all know that Amitji has dreamt about Baba and Baba had ordered him to construct this temple. In the same way, Once when Amitji was meditating on Baba, Baba had said to Amitji that he will be arriving in this temple from very far away and will reside there. This was the time when the present Bade baba temple was just in construction. This temple of bade baba is visible as we enter the mandir. The present Bade Baba temple was initially built for the Shibpur Baba. But, as the time passed Amitji was contacted by Mr. K.V. Ramani and he insisted of donating the Bade Baba’s statue to the temple. This statue does have the same brightness and the divinity as we see in the Shirdi Sai baba’s Idol at Shirdi.

So once the Bade Baba temple construction was completed, the Bade baba marble idol was placed here with due formalities and it did prove Baba’s words right when he said that he would himself arrive from far and reside here for the welfare of the people. This idol was brought from Jaipur -Rajasthan which is for sure very far from this temple. So, the Bade Baba temple is also equally important for any devotee visiting shibpur.

The Bade Baba’s idol is daily made to Bath by the priest, the dress on this idol is daily changed and all the four Aarti’s are done to this idol. This idol of Baba accepts and answers the prayers of all the devotees who pray to baba in this temple with full devotion and faith. What more can we write about this temple and about Bade baba has just to be in front of him and experience his presence in this temple. Bade Baba had indicated to Amitji that there would be 3 significant miracles once he is in the temple. Those were –
1.Baba would come into the temple as a 11ft. snake
2.Baba would come from far to reside there in the temple
3.A lady delivers a child after 22 years of her marriage. 


NOTE: The Original certificate given by the Shirdi Sai Sansthan Trust was in Hindi but as to make it more readable and understandable, this certificate was also translated in English.


Nadia Shibpur Sai Sadguru Samity very humbly requests all devotees to extend their sincere financial support and contribution towards the construction of the temple and the charitable activities carried out by our organization. Only your generous donations will enable us to make our dream of constructing this temple a reality.

Regd No: S/1L/45375 west Bengal Societies Registration Act. XXVI 1961

N.B.: - Gifts and Donations are being waived from Income Tax under Section 80G(5)(vi) and 12AA of Income Tax Act. 1961. Govt. Of India.
Devotees Residing in these Countries can use the following services to offer donations (Please use at your own risk); If you know any other services please let us know:
western union
UK and Canada
wenstern union
western union
western union
western union

Devotees can use any of the following accounts in India to make donations:
Offerings for Temple Construction (Preferred) or Annadaan/Pooja/Other services (Optional)
Bank Name: INDIAN OVERSEAS BANK (Preferred Account)
Account Holder's Full Name: First Name: AMIT, Last Name: BISWAS
Account Number: 158301000002587
Swift Code: IOBAINBB585
IFSC Code: IOBA0001583
Branch Name: krishnanagar branch
Bank Address: D.L.Roy Road, P.O. Krishnanagar, Dist. Nadia, State West Bengal
City: Krishnanagar; Dist: Nadia
State: West Bengal;
Country: India
Pin: 741101
Phone Number: 91-9800500014
Offerings for Annadaan/Pooja/Other services (Preferred) or Construction (Optional)
A/c Name: (Savings account) NADIA SHIBPUR SAI SADGURU SAMITY (Optional account)
Bank A/c. No: 422310110000280
Address: 76- M.M. Ghosh Street, Krishnagar, Nadia – 741101
State: West Bengal
Country: India
Pin: 741101
Phone: 91-9800500014
Offerings for Anaadaan/ Pooja / Any other services: (This is Amitji’s personal account)
Full Name: Amit Kumar Biswas
Savings Bank A/C: 11256248542
Bank address: D.L.Roy Road, P.O. krishnagar
Dist. Nadia, West Bengal, Pin 741101 India.
Phone no: 91- 9800500014
Check Payments should be made on below name and to the below address:
(For Construction/Annadaan/Pooja/Other service) 
Amit Kumar Biswas Home Address:
Address: K.C.Lahiri Lane, Chasapara 
P.O: Krishnanagar
Dist: Nadia
State: West Bengal
Pin: 741101 ( India )
Phone no: 91- 9800500014
Offerings made through Western Union (Please check with us before proceeding with any transaction):
(For Construction/Annadaan/Pooja/Other service) 
Phone no: 91-9800500014
We request devotees to email us in case they have any questions on the above information
Please let update us the purpose of making donation (Construction/Pooja/Annadaan/other services) and your full details. 
Devotees can email us anytime at shibpurtemple@gmail.com or shibpursaibaba@gmail.com 
You can also call Amitji on India mobile numbers: 91-9800500014.

IMPORTANT NOTE: There is a sincere request to the devotees that if any one wished to donate to the temple using the SBI account details, please draft an email to Amitji towards the Nadia Shibpur Sai Sadguru Samity that what all amount was sent to this account was only for temple construction. Please enclose this with your name, address and phone number/email ID. This is just for records and transparency. 
Registered FCRA
Registration under the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act 2010.
(Nature – Religious ( Shirdi Saibaba ) Cultural Educational Social)
Ministry of Home Affairs. Government of India.
Regd. U/S 80G(5)(VI) & 12AA Income Tax Act 1961
Ministry of Finance. Government of India.
Regd. West Bengal Act XXVI 1961, Regd. No. S/1L/45375
Government of West Bengal.
Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA) Account Details:
Account No. SB/CA: 910010024657441
Swift Code: UTIB0000237
Bank Address: Axis Bank Ltd,KRISHNANAGAR BRANCH,12, M.M.Ghosh Street.
City: Krishnanagar
District: Nadia
State: West Bengal
Pin: 741101
FCRA - Account Holders Details:
First name: Amit
Last Name: Biswas
City: Shibpur Nadia
Country: India
State: West Bengal
Pin: 741124
Please use the FCRS account only for making Foreign currency transactions BUT NOT INDIAN RUPEES.